I am a really lazy but active child. I love writing stories and reading them too. My favorite type of books are episode based and that have exciting elements. As a writer, I am not the best nor the worst, but I try to a level. Till this day I haven't tried my best in story writing though. BTW, I also do poetry and Izuru Miho is my per name. I am a virgo and prefer blue color. Though my favourite word from the dictionary is rubbish, I love using good words instead of bad

@hephzeebaby26 I ain't from Japan, but I am sure that I could help you by suggesting this app, "Duolingo" that can help you a lot

@IzuruMiho hey girl. I'm really in need of a Japanese tutor right now. I'm Hephzee, and I love everything about Japan. The culture, the food and language. I'm finding it hard to learn the language so I need your help. Will you help please