
So, guess who just watched Stranger Things: The First Shadow on stage in London!!! I am obsessed, I wanna talk about it with people so bad! (Actually, what I really wanna do is write fanfic — I miss writing my Stranger Things fanfic so much and I'm really not sure after this I'm gonna be able to wait until season 5 to start the sequel. XD) 
          	Have any of you guys seen it? (And if you have, do you wanna chat about it in the replies? XD) It's sooo good! Really hoping Netflix releases a recording of it. 


So, guess who just watched Stranger Things: The First Shadow on stage in London!!! I am obsessed, I wanna talk about it with people so bad! (Actually, what I really wanna do is write fanfic — I miss writing my Stranger Things fanfic so much and I'm really not sure after this I'm gonna be able to wait until season 5 to start the sequel. XD) 
          Have any of you guys seen it? (And if you have, do you wanna chat about it in the replies? XD) It's sooo good! Really hoping Netflix releases a recording of it. 


My apologies, I know I promised one last chapter of Splinters in Time, and it is still coming, it just might be a little late as I'm not well this week. It's like trying to work with a brain made of porridge. But it is coming, I promise!


@Izzicle no worries, take your time so that the last chapter will be the most interesting one:) 


@tyumi_18 Thank you! And I really hope it is XD


Hey, all! Little personal update— after taking some time off, I feel much more refreshed and enthused for the next chapter. It still might take a little while for it to come out, but I'm back in the saddle with writing it! So anyway, basically just reassuring you all— don't worry, I'm not dead and the fanfic is still ongoing!


@Izzicle damn I thought I'd been workshopping stuff with a ghost for the last couple of weeks 


Okay, new plan— I think I'm going to to take a break for a few days and then try again as I've been writing and rewriting this chapter for two weeks and it really isn't working. So sorry for the delay, please bear with me. 


I don't know what's going on with this chapter, but it's giving me real trouble. Definitely going to be really late now— I'm aiming to have it done by the weekend, so fingers crossed. I'm so sorry you guys, hope you can all just bear with me a bit longer!


This week's chapter might be a little bit late again. I don't know why this keeps happening XD
          So sorry. It's in progress,  just slow.


@Izzicle Splinters In Time, my Stranger Things fanfic 


@Izzicle What fic is it for?


So one day I will return to a regular update routine, but today is not that day. Looks like this week's chapter is going to be late too! I am so sorry about that, but please know,  I am working hard and hope it will be done soon. :D


@Izzicle always happy to lend a hand you know this. You can send it to me to look at and comment every chapter if you really want to. 
            Also it's your story you can update whenever you want but the fact you are so consistent almost certainly should have everyone being far more understanding when it takes time. Either way though nothing to feel bad about it's your story and life is busy


@Izzicle Thanks, I needed that :D Always feel like I need permission not to update when stuff gets in the way. And thanks for your help with it this week!


@Izzicle know full well your working on it (always appreciate the sneak peak that giving you a second pair of eyes occasionally affords me) and your very busy. I probably speak for everyone when I say that your welcome to take your time as you are consistent normally rather than someone who takes massive breaks and you always reach out on here to let everyone know if you're going to be delayed for a while :)