
If you ever need a book recommendation........... STALKING JACK THE RIPPER omg it is such a great series, there are 4 books and a novella. I feel in love with the book after the first chapter, and fell in love with the main characters even fasterrrrrr. It's about a young girl in the late 1880's in London, her name is Audrey Rose Wadsworth, and she apprentices under her uncle during the Jack the Ripper cases. She has a 'partner' so to speak, by the name Thomas Cresswell, and together, the three of them figure out the mystery of who Jack the Ripper is. Throughout the four books, Audrey Rose and Thomas have a slow-burn sort of enemies to lovers trope. I really hope you read this book and fall in love with it just as much as I have.


@slytherxngxrl .......I just knew y'know? Call it a reader's intuition...........but fr tho, you should sooooooooooooooo read it!!!!!!! It is such an amazing series!!!!!!!!


@IzzyMayMay My Mum and I were talking about Jack the Ripper just yesterday so- HOW DID YOU KNOW I NEEDED THIS NOW




If you ever need a book recommendation........... STALKING JACK THE RIPPER omg it is such a great series, there are 4 books and a novella. I feel in love with the book after the first chapter, and fell in love with the main characters even fasterrrrrr. It's about a young girl in the late 1880's in London, her name is Audrey Rose Wadsworth, and she apprentices under her uncle during the Jack the Ripper cases. She has a 'partner' so to speak, by the name Thomas Cresswell, and together, the three of them figure out the mystery of who Jack the Ripper is. Throughout the four books, Audrey Rose and Thomas have a slow-burn sort of enemies to lovers trope. I really hope you read this book and fall in love with it just as much as I have.


@slytherxngxrl .......I just knew y'know? Call it a reader's intuition...........but fr tho, you should sooooooooooooooo read it!!!!!!! It is such an amazing series!!!!!!!!


@IzzyMayMay My Mum and I were talking about Jack the Ripper just yesterday so- HOW DID YOU KNOW I NEEDED THIS NOW




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I think all writers can agree when I say this, but one of the best feelings ever is when you open your Wattpad notifications and see that someone fucking SPAMMED you, you gots over 70+ notifications, like they voted on every single chapter of all your books and added each of them to a reading list, like BEST FEELING EVER


Do you ever just feel so tired? Like you have no motivation to do anything? Not even get out of bed. Or do you ever feel like ghosting everyone or ending it all. But then you think of that one person, and you just can't? Like you're just so ready to stop it all, let go, and finally no longer be tired, but then they text you or you see a picture of them, or something that reminds you of them. You just think of that person and you realize you can't end it. You can't just let go because what about them?


Hi everyone! I have a question for y'all.......what's shifting? I've seen a bunch of people talking about it on here and on tiktok but I have no idea what it is or how to do it?


@lexielou2024 Lexiiiiiii your supposed to knowwwwwwwww


This is only for my singles pals out there, so if your taken, get your lucky and (hopefully) happy (and if you're not happy in your relationship, honey please end it, you deserve to be happy) a$$ outta here, this is for my sad, sad fellow lonely singles out there........................ Okay anyway.......have you guys heard of that new dating app? It's called 'You won't be lonely forever!'
          okay now that it's just all the singles here.......what kinda ice cream are y'all gonna eat on Valentine's day? I was thinking this year I may go with some classic rocky road or maybe anything with fudge and peanut butter? What about you my fellow lonelies?


Or maybe I might choose frozen sad and loneliness in a bucket? So many choices and way too much timeeee