
Hey guys!!! Do me a favor and check out my cousins YouTube. This has been a dream of hers for the longest time and I'm so excited that she's finally doing it so I want to support her!!! New videos will be coming soon and i guarantee they will only get better and funnier the first one is always the cringiest but it's still hilarious!! 


@Izzy_Hansen5 here's the link to the second video!! 


Hey guys!!! Do me a favor and check out my cousins YouTube. This has been a dream of hers for the longest time and I'm so excited that she's finally doing it so I want to support her!!! New videos will be coming soon and i guarantee they will only get better and funnier the first one is always the cringiest but it's still hilarious!! 


@Izzy_Hansen5 here's the link to the second video!! 


Hello my little piggies!! 
          I am trying to raise awareness for a cool even that is very close to my heart. It's an amazing event called Mindy's Miles. It's a bike ride in this small town of West Bend. It's in remeberance of my late cousin Mindy who was killed alongside her boyfriend in a car accident. 
          This bike ride is put on every year, and all proceeds raised go towards buying bikes for area youth. 
          Next year is the last and final Mindy's Miles. When asked what she wanted for the last Mindy's Miles, Mindy's mother says she wants Bon Jovi to perform. 
          If you follow me on Twitter, or if you don't go follow me now @Izzy_Hansen5, and go retweet my original tweet to Bon Jovi, and then maybe tweet yourself using the #BonJoviMindysMiles.  
          You're help is much appreciated and I'll be looking for the usage of the # and by seeing who is retweeting. 
          To make it worthwhile to you guys, first 20 retweets receive a shout out from me and 1st retweet gets to be a character in my next story!! Anybody after that gets a favorite on their tweet and a tweet back. 
          Thanks for your help in advance!!


Your 1D storys are amazliam. I Love them as much as I love them from Niall to Harry to Louis to Zyan to Liam and Zyan is still 1D AF no matter what anyone says he is part of 1D no matter what!! History was about him and he is still part of one direction. Love your writing so much. THANKS FOR WRITING AMAZLIAM STORIES. 
          Ps sorry about rant


@Mrs11826 awww thanks, I'm so glad you like them!! Zayn is still apart of 1D yes, and he always will be. Thank you so much for this comment, made my day 


Hey all my little piggies. So, I've got a new story up, and I would love some feedback. I know it's not a one direction story but I would love for some feedback from you guys. If you guys could please read it, and give me some feedback, also if you could spread it around with your friends! That'd be greatly appreciated! Thank you all!
          ~Mama Pig