
Hello everyone,
          	I’ve been working behind the scenes to get this next chapter up. The following chapter will be out before the new year. I plan to do one final ‘tidy up’ of the other chapters, this should be completed by the middle of January 2025 at the latest as it only requires adding some more character dialogue detail (describing the re/actions of characters as they are conversing) as well as some SPAG checks.
          	I have made a writer’s instagram account but I’m not ready to link it here just yet, I’ll do that before I make a post about my medium blog. I now plan to skip the ‘about me’ article and just jump straight into writing, however I’ll make my bio detailed enough so that the ‘about me’ article will not be needed to get to know me as a writer. The first article will be published before January 7th 2025.
          	I have started to outline a few things about the other dystopian novel I have planned, the first chapter will come out in early February. Here’s a hint: the novel will be about a new piece of technology known for its controversial possibilities.
          	Johannes Serdetschny Owen.


Hello everyone,
          I’ve been working behind the scenes to get this next chapter up. The following chapter will be out before the new year. I plan to do one final ‘tidy up’ of the other chapters, this should be completed by the middle of January 2025 at the latest as it only requires adding some more character dialogue detail (describing the re/actions of characters as they are conversing) as well as some SPAG checks.
          I have made a writer’s instagram account but I’m not ready to link it here just yet, I’ll do that before I make a post about my medium blog. I now plan to skip the ‘about me’ article and just jump straight into writing, however I’ll make my bio detailed enough so that the ‘about me’ article will not be needed to get to know me as a writer. The first article will be published before January 7th 2025.
          I have started to outline a few things about the other dystopian novel I have planned, the first chapter will come out in early February. Here’s a hint: the novel will be about a new piece of technology known for its controversial possibilities.
          Johannes Serdetschny Owen.


Hello everyone,
          I (again) apologise for the inactivity, the personal/family issues that I thought I had dealt with were only the beginning and I've had to spend all of September and October dealing with the other issues as well as returning to University, however I can now guarantee that FINALLY, there will be no more distractions.
          I decided that today would be a good day to return to writing as November is men's mental health month and since my novel touches on that subject (as well as male issues as a whole) I plan to get at least 2 chapters out each week.
          I have also set up a Medium blog under my writers name where I will be posting an 'about me' post before I properly begin the blog. I will be writing about ongoing events mainly in the UK but also in other places (if it relates to the UK). Once the 'about me' post is up, I'll make an announcement here as well as linking the page in my bio.
          I also have some other plans but I have decided that it would be better to launch them in January of next year and focus on this novel, the OTHER dystopian novel I have been imagining in my spare time (not that I had much of it unfortunately) and the medium blog.
          Johannes Serdetschny Owen (added main family name, will update name here soon)


Hello everyone,
          I apologise for being inactive, unfortunately I’ve had to deal with some personal/family issues but everything has been sorted out now. I have also been sick these past few days and although I’m better, I’ve been left fatigued by the illness I had.
          I have been using the novel I purchased (idk why it said house in the last post) so the updates to the sample chapters will be improved and final. The final sample chapter will be out within the span of a few days and the final updates should be complete by the end of the month.
          Johannes Serdetschny. 


Hello everyone,
          Just a quick update. I’m working on the final chapter for the rewrite of the 10 sample chapters before I move on to seeking representation for my novel whilst also working on the final SPAG and changes for the other chapters.
          I have purchased a house that’ll help me with improving character dialogue and how they express emotions on non verbal ways, which should help the novel take on a more profession look which should help me with seeking representation.
          I will have the 10th sample chapter written on Saturday evening UK time and aim to complete the final edits by Thursday next week. Once these have been completed, I will look for literary agents whilst I continue to write an edit further chapters.
          Johannes Serdetschny.


Hello! I was reading over your blurb on Wattpad, and I thought that it didn't look like a blurb to me. So I took it from your story and decided to fix it up to make it look right. If you don't mind giving me your email, I can send a copy of your edited blurb to you through email and a word processor. I'm trying to make sure your blurb reads right for those who are overseas in America, and I hope it helps you out with your search for literary agents.


Hello everyone,
          I am working on editing some sample chapters of Britannia Decadence to be sent of to a literary agent, so I'll be more active online from this point forward. I will also be opening up an instagram account under my new writer's name in the near future.
          I have decided to change my writer's name from the old one to this one as 'Serdetschny' is my Slavic family name. Part of my family managed to leave the Soviet Union and flee to the United Kingdom, and given the ongoing events in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, I thought that it was appropriate to honour my Slavic ancestors as well as to show my support for freedom and democracy in the places where my ancestors came from.
          Once my 10 selected chapters have been edited, I'll move on to editing the other ones whilst also looking for literary agents.
          Johannes Serdetschny.