
Well... How do I start? I'll soon be removing my works from Wattpad. There's no gratifying return, no clear feedback from the platform or any reader. I know that there's a very small percentage of people who follow me who actually read what I have to offer. I'll leave all my works available for a while, so if you're reading this, you'll still have time to enjoy some of the tiny worlds I've created. If you want to reread my works for some reason, or just talk, contact me via the email in the about me section on the profile's main page. I thank everyone who has read or is reading my works that I've published over the years. I have other plans at the moment, and I won't be able to keep up with all these projects, their sequels, etc...
          	I'll never give up writing, it's a part of me now. But for you, reader, even though this is my farewell to the platform, it's still just the beginning. Remember to always question yourself. Question truths that we've always taken as absolute truths since we were little, question everything that can be questioned. I thank again everyone who has come on this journey with me over all these long years and I hope to see you again at some point, stay well and goodbye.


Well... How do I start? I'll soon be removing my works from Wattpad. There's no gratifying return, no clear feedback from the platform or any reader. I know that there's a very small percentage of people who follow me who actually read what I have to offer. I'll leave all my works available for a while, so if you're reading this, you'll still have time to enjoy some of the tiny worlds I've created. If you want to reread my works for some reason, or just talk, contact me via the email in the about me section on the profile's main page. I thank everyone who has read or is reading my works that I've published over the years. I have other plans at the moment, and I won't be able to keep up with all these projects, their sequels, etc...
          I'll never give up writing, it's a part of me now. But for you, reader, even though this is my farewell to the platform, it's still just the beginning. Remember to always question yourself. Question truths that we've always taken as absolute truths since we were little, question everything that can be questioned. I thank again everyone who has come on this journey with me over all these long years and I hope to see you again at some point, stay well and goodbye.


Bem... Como começar? Logo irei retirar minhas obras do Wattpad. Não há nenhum retorno gratificante, não há um feedback claro nem da plataforma nem de nenhum leitor. Sei que há uma porcentagem bem pequena das pessoas que me seguem, que realmente leem o que tenho à oferecer. Deixarei todas as obras disponíveis por um tempo, então caso esteja lendo isso, ainda terá tempo de aproveitar um pouco dos ínfimos mundos que criei. Caso queira reler minhas obras por algum motivo, ou apenas conversar, me contate pelo E-mail que há no sobre mim na página central do perfil. Agradeço a todos que já leram ou leem minhas obras que publiquei ao longo de todos esses anos. No momento tenho outros planos, e não vou poder manter todos esses projetos, suas continuações etc...
            Nunca deixarei a escrita, ela é parte de mim agora. Mas para você leitor, mesmo que essa seja minha despedida da plataforma, ainda é só o começo. Lembre-se de sempre se questionar. Questionar verdades que sempre levamos como verdades absolutas desde cedo, questionar tudo o que puder ser questionado. Agradeço novamente a todos que vieram nessa jornada comigo durante todos esses longos anos e espero vê-los novamente em algum momento, fiquem bem e, adeus.