Hello again. I’m aware that it’s been a while and I apologize for that. I’ll just say that I’ve been busy but I do still want to write stories. I know I haven’t been good with being consistent. So hopefully you enjoy the 3 stories I have posted. 1 for my vore story and the other 2 for my fat females book. Wanted to publish a bit more stories this time. 


@JAKELIL2 I have one for your fat females book.


Hello again. I’m aware that it’s been a while and I apologize for that. I’ll just say that I’ve been busy but I do still want to write stories. I know I haven’t been good with being consistent. So hopefully you enjoy the 3 stories I have posted. 1 for my vore story and the other 2 for my fat females book. Wanted to publish a bit more stories this time. 


@JAKELIL2 I have one for your fat females book.


Can you try Wendy from gravity falls because I have 2 ideas you can use.


@NathanConrad8 okay thanks but I have some more ideas if you want to know them


I might to do second idea but for now I’m not sure. Might tweak it a bit but I like the suggestion. 


@NathanConrad8 for Mizz Britt's pearl the reason she hates food is because it makes her remember the way she used to be and she even puts on the confident gem she is and is proud of herself but deep down she genuinely misses her chance to gain weight again(the next one will be in SUF)then when the crystal gems see steven off for the final time they all get together to disscus what will happen next with the diomands on there side and the gems both crystal and home world are uncorrupted they all decided to go there separate ways while garnet amethyst peridot lapis and bismuth help out at little home world/school pearl decided to go and try to find love again while she was still loyal to pink diomand and followed her every order she now can be her own person and try to find real genuine love and finds it in Y/N but when pearl wants to know more about him he refuses because she does not want her to know about his strange fetish but then she tells him of who she used to be and asks her to gain the weight back but also maybe more in doing so she agrees and while gains her weight back she gets a rush of nostalgia and wants to gain more so she asks for his help and agrees and her weight cap will be?......... (It's your chapter you decide how big she gets) and for principal pearl she was always that size but used her gems ability to shapeshift to hide it because she was afraid of what Y/N would think of her because she has a massive crush on him but can't tell him because she's afraid if she tells him that he will laugh at her and call her strange but then she finds out that he has a crush on her (it's the same thing with pearl) but he is also scared to tell her about his fetish and they get into a secret relationship (pearl x y/n and y/n is 17yrs old almost 18yrs old and no one never finds out (because they decided to elope or not which one do you think should they elope or no?)


Can you maybe do a chapter on made Marion (Disney) she can either be the size or she can gain to get to that size (she has a dream or fantasy of being huge) the size is blob and the picture is on the story is called maid Marion's massive morning and is on Furaffinity I hope you make more chapters soon also I hope this will be one of them. I'm also sorry if I am giving you to many  ideas it's your story I should respect your choices on the chapter or chapters I have a lot of ideas that are starting to come back to me or I have to many so I'm sorry