
          	Hope everybody has an awesome 2015!!!! :)


JULIAN! I heard that Isabel messaged you so I figured I would too, and say we missed you at the mini-Webook reunion we had today! (It was just Isabel, Nicole/Kara, and me lol) Next time we need to have you, and Kialee, and Zant, and all the other amazing people! We spent quite a bit of time laughing about the good old Mafia days...ahahah. Hope you're doing well! 


@AlexandriaEllis She's right, we had the absolute best time, but we missed you soooo!


I'm baaaaaaaaaack.
          And I have a few announcements to make. First of all, I posted my yearly mini-chapter of DL finally! Yaaaaaaay! But no more DL till next year. :/
          ... I'm kidding. Yes, I know, once again, it's been a while. But if you take a look at the little something else I just recently posted, you'll see why. I posted my very first fanfic! WHOA. Never thought you'd see that, huh? Well, guess what, I decided to explore it, and now, I'm a fanfiction writer! Woo! Even better yet, it looks like I'm a Naruto fanfiction writer! WHAT, no way. That's stupid crazy. Wait, it gets better--it's a NaruSaku fanfiction. 
          Pick your jaw up off the ground you clown.
          Yes, I'm one o' them wacky weebos that just so happens to ship the most controversial pairings that didn't happen of the generation! Haha. But it's BECAUSE it didn't happen that I was inspired to write this. That's where you might be able to tell the difference in the writing. This isn't going to be your average fanfic, folks. I have the drive to make this thing an EPIC. 
          Aaaaaaannnnddd no one believes me. 
          That's OKAY, I realize I have a lot to prove here. S'alright. I'll manage juggling both this and DL and maybe a little Crusaders if I feel up to it. Sound cool? THE RIDE NEVER ENDS MY FRIENDS.
          Well, with that outta the way I've got one more announcement to make. The biggest thing that has, with no regrets, been pulling most of my attention recently is  that which may be the biggest, most lovable, impossible to ignore distractions a man could ever be gifted--a girlfriend.
          And she just so happens to have a profile here on wattpad--say hi, @panSara, ya beautiful goofnut.


@JAR_JustAnotherRebel can u plzzzz update decemberland??


@JAR_JustAnotherRebel I'm a little late to this conversation but heeeey this is exciting!!! Nice to "meet" you, @panSara!! (My Wi-Fi has been out the last five days or else I would have seen this sooner) Happy to see my webook/wattpad family expanding ;D
            (btw I miss all of you a bunch! and @KaraMels, we need to hang out)


@panSara 'tis okay. Sometimes I am too.  But I like to think I'm easy to get along with.  :P


Does anyone like the new wattpad profiles so far...? I'm not diggin' them. Had to make a crapton of changes.
          Anyways, new chapter is out (FINALLY... AGAIN). A good five pages of fancy fantasy. Get to it!


@JAR_JustAnotherRebel Yeah, not so much. It also has no status bar, so the only way I saw your status was on my newsfeed... Mine also says my books were updated three months ago but it was actually a whole year and three months ago haha ;D Just because it was July doesn't mean it was 2014... Don't want people getting their hopes up.




Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


this message may be offensive
Alright, I've probably lost a ton of credibility as a dedicated writer at this point, but after the megaton SHIT with the ballistic firestorm of moderate shits I've received afterward, there was plenty of reason this time around for the unexpectedly long wait. But I'm not going to explain myself here, I'm just going to apologize with a really awesome, hopefully well written, probably not long enough to make up for my absence chapter for DL. Voting is encouraged, commenting is optional, enjoying is mandatory.
          Chapter 47 of DL everybody. The adventure continues. Have fun reading.