Jasmine, Jas, JaZZ, but i'm better known by aliens in my hometown in another parallel universe as Eden,,,,,,
I'm an Asrtophile, i'm a passionate semi writer, i'm a soul that happens to have a body, i'm some hydrogen atoms that happen to be given 13.7 +/- 0.2 billion years of living,,,,,,
I'm like Carl Sagan said "The universe's way of thinking of itself",,,,,,,
I'm all of that and more, but most of all, we're all the same deep down, we're all star stuff in the core,,,,,
peace out!
Jasmine Saif!
  • Дата регистрацииMay 2, 2013

Последнее сообщение
JASMINE_66 JASMINE_66 Mar 04, 2016 08:16PM
so, are you reading ??you people from the other side ?? are you here?? do you even care?? do you feel?? do the words affect you? do they move you in any different way?? do you feel the love within...
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The diary of the unstable
I write here without thinking twice, I write here the scattered, the unknown to many,,,,, the unstable. I don...
I've been Crushed! от JASMINE_66
I've been Crushed!
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