
With my studies coming close to an end, I will continue to update my stories as soon as possible. 
          	Apologies to everyone who enjoys my stories and have waited over the years. I will try to not halt the stories longer than expected. 
          	The story; Devil May Cry: No Longer Human will continue however, there was an issue with the next chapter being chapter 7 but readers can expect it to come around sooner than you think.
          	Thank you for your patience.


With my studies coming close to an end, I will continue to update my stories as soon as possible. 
          Apologies to everyone who enjoys my stories and have waited over the years. I will try to not halt the stories longer than expected. 
          The story; Devil May Cry: No Longer Human will continue however, there was an issue with the next chapter being chapter 7 but readers can expect it to come around sooner than you think.
          Thank you for your patience.


I like your story Kuroko play, and was wondering will you continue writing it or not, if yes then please update whenever you're free.
          Can't wait to read more! 
          Keep up the good work! 


I’m planning to focus on continuing my stories during half-terms and holidays since University as a second year is quite stress and hard. I will continue so don’t worry and thank you for enjoying it