Guys I feel like rewriting a few books 
          	Should I? 
          	And also five hundred more reads until FREEDOM is as at 1k we can do it guys 
          	ǝʌᴉʇɔɐuᴉ os ƃuᴉǝq ɹoɟ ʎɹɹos ɯᴉ


So basically, SUGAYOONNI ended up deleting the books but after a few words of encouragement and a few weeks of convincing she published a new book called 
          It’s a crack fic, the genre being humour go check it out, it’s in one of my reading lists.  
          Please check it out


          Guys I made new books with her and it’s on her account go read them. They are called, BLOOD and SURROGATE 
          She’s new to Wattpad so please help her out


Yes please read them we spent a lot of time on them