
          	I have gotten a new job that basically keeping me away from the house 6 days a week. I'm home for a 3-hour nap and then 30 minutes to get ready and then gone to get food and head to work again.  
          	In short for roughly 20 hours a day I'm away from the house for nearly 16 to 17 of those hours I'm watching two kids that have opposite sleep schedules and require full attention on them. Today is my day off and I'm catching up as much as I can with what I can. It won't be much sadly because I do have a doctor's appointment and exhausted. 
          	I will be on hiatus until the babysitter (I'm the nanny) is hired to cover for when I can't work because of my other jobs. I have multiple but this one is the most time-consuming. My other jobs are simple enough: Commission artwork, Original story, working at boys and girls club with free time, etc. When I get my free time back and catch up with my other jobs (not counting boys and girls club) then I will be able to be back to working on my stories. The stories that are with a group being written then they are being worked on but frozen on my side until further notice. 
          	With my substituting job coming up soon, I will hopefully have the week off and only work weekends, being the babysitter and they can get someone else as a nanny. Which also means more time to my side-jobs and my fanfictions. One can hope, right? 
          	That sounds mean. 
          	I love my jobs just right now with them being short a babysitter and me being moved from babysitter to fulltime nanny is overwhelming. 
          	~Stolen Heart
          	Sliced Soul


          I have gotten a new job that basically keeping me away from the house 6 days a week. I'm home for a 3-hour nap and then 30 minutes to get ready and then gone to get food and head to work again.  
          In short for roughly 20 hours a day I'm away from the house for nearly 16 to 17 of those hours I'm watching two kids that have opposite sleep schedules and require full attention on them. Today is my day off and I'm catching up as much as I can with what I can. It won't be much sadly because I do have a doctor's appointment and exhausted. 
          I will be on hiatus until the babysitter (I'm the nanny) is hired to cover for when I can't work because of my other jobs. I have multiple but this one is the most time-consuming. My other jobs are simple enough: Commission artwork, Original story, working at boys and girls club with free time, etc. When I get my free time back and catch up with my other jobs (not counting boys and girls club) then I will be able to be back to working on my stories. The stories that are with a group being written then they are being worked on but frozen on my side until further notice. 
          With my substituting job coming up soon, I will hopefully have the week off and only work weekends, being the babysitter and they can get someone else as a nanny. Which also means more time to my side-jobs and my fanfictions. One can hope, right? 
          That sounds mean. 
          I love my jobs just right now with them being short a babysitter and me being moved from babysitter to fulltime nanny is overwhelming. 
          ~Stolen Heart
          Sliced Soul


I've been moving between all the fanfiction platforms and found you here after reading your AutoCon book (which I really liked), I am terribly sorry for the lashings FFn users have been giving you (I now know why FF is so silent, not many people are still on there it seems), I have yet to experience this on my small one shot of mine (I don't think anybody has actually read it though [Eish] ), but I am hoping to ask when or if you could repost AutoCon here, I don't not want to sound pushy like some voices that only know the word please and update (mostly just the latter) but I really look forward to reading any new updates for that book. Thank you for listening if you do read this and happy belated new year! 


@TheConsultingDemigod Thank you so much for clearing that up! 


@TheConsultingDemigod I squealed and gushed to the co-writers when I read this. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 
            AutoCon was a joint story from the Movies Verse of a group project. We decided to pause the movie verse till we get the Cartoon verse finish first. We kinda lost half of our writing group and when we did the updates were coming in slower and slower till the last of us were overwhelmed. We had to pick one universe and stick with it. 
            They are same characters still just the universe is the Disney XD Cartoon Verse with Transformers Prime (New RiD and Rescue Bots), one of the TMNT (i don't remember which one), and a few that is direct from Comics cause no way Disney is going to make a cartoon version of them *Cough*Punisher*Cough* and Deadpool series (he is in an Ultimate Spider-man episode, but not counting that as a series) 
            Information overload. Sorry. 
            Short of it, the movies verse is on pause until after we finish cartoon verse. The issue with writing at all right now is I'm away from home for 20hrs for 6 days a week. I watch 2 children with different sleep schedules and both require full attention when they are awake. I don't have time to actually write. Tomorrow is my day off so I am staying up to type some as I can. 
            BUT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION IN FULL: Yes, the AutoCon and the other Mechies stories will be posted on Wattpad eventually. Just have to give us time to get to it when I have more than one free day (in a row)
            ~Stolen Heart
            Sliced Soul


The next chapter of Frost Bite will be posted not this week but late next week. Depends on what life decides to throw at me now. Sorry, it took so long to post this chapter. I know there is a lot of mistakes, but I finally got around to finishing it without re-reading it (I know it's been forever) at like 3 AM this morning. I will probably get notified that I made certain errors and go back and fix them. Just don't be jerks about the errors. I am going to try to post them semi-regularly again. Doubt I'll be able to a schedule, and I'm sorry about that. 
          I am going to be posting the first chapter of Paper Crowns this Saturday or Sunday (hopefully) so if you like Ouran High School Host Club, keep an eye out for that. 
          ~Stolen Heart
             Sliced Soul


I know I keep promising new Frost Bite chapters, and they are in the process of being fixed. Along with a couple of other stories I am thinking about posting here. 
          So far in my folder of what I want to post here: 
          Frost Bite (I need to finish editing it and fixing the ending of one chapter that just doesn't feel right) 
          X-Men (Nightcrawler/OC) 
          Paper Crown (Needs to be edited, and also make sure it's going to actually stick in my mind before I actually post anything on it here. Don't want to lose muse halfway through one chapter and just drop it) 
          Ouran High School Host Club (Mori/OC, Kyoya/OC) 
          Fairies At Ouran Series (That one is actually really complicated and a story that is co-written by four other people. There is a chance it will be posted only on Ao3.) 
          Ouran High School Host Club (Multiple Pairings) 
          Grimm Fairy Tales (Was Grimm, Deranged Fairy-Tales, then Gothic Wonderland) 
          Ouran High School Host Club (Mori/OC, multiple pairings later on) 
          There is also one other story I wanted to post here, but I don't have enough of it figured out and done to actually do so. 
          These if will be posted, will be next month sometime. This month is full of stuff that needs to be done ASAP.  
          So hopefully (HOPEFULLY) I will be back next month with new stories chapters. Till then, I wish you all good days, nights, and fortunes. 
          ~Stolen Heart
             Sliced Soul


Do you think you will be putting Deranged, Grim, Fairy-tale up on your Wattpad?


@Monsterbunnie18  actually am thinking about it after finish editing it and re-writing the parts that doesn't seem right. 


I'm so sorry my lovely readers (and now two awesome stalkers, and one kick butt friend)
          I have been working and not able to write  much. I feel really bad about not being able to update when I should be. 
          I am going to ask a friend to help me since she knows my characters as well -if not better than- me. 
          ~Stolen Heart
             Sliced Soul


I have my wifi back (finally). I will be working on editing chapter five of Frost Bite and also some of my other stories. I am still trying to talk my co-writers on archiveofourown to transfer some of our Mechies stories here too. 
          We are on Tumblr if you like to send us messages. I am mostly on my roleplay account (seamistresses.tumblr.com) but you can reach me on mechiesunited.tumblr.com too. 
          Today is a catch-up day, but I also have a lot of stuff to do around the house too. I am updating Frost Bite tomorrow late afternoon my time (CDT) Just look up Louisiana time on google, it'll give you what time it is my time.
          It will between 4 and 7 at night that I will post it. Other than that, I am working a little on my Golden Dragon Rider story, if I can recover it from my old laptop. 
          A lot of my stuff was deleted or lost when I was saving them to flashdrive. I have a friend who said he can recover them, so we are going to try to do that today while I clean. 
          Figured you lovely followers (and one awesome stalker) should know what's going on. 
          Feel free to send me a private message or stalk me on Tumblr though there is a high chance I'll stalk you back ^.^ I don't follow everyone that follows me but if I like your blog I will. Roleplay or not.
          ~Song of the Heart
          Spirit of the Blade


My apologise my lovely followers and one awesome stalker (you know who you are)
          I have an explanation to my disappearance and it will be a tad bit longer.
          I was going to finish editing and post chapter five of Frost Bite but my laptop went rogue and started to shock me (not danger level but it did sting like someone rubbing socks on rug then pokes you) it got to the point I stopped typing for a short time.
          After my New laptop came... WiFi started to act up.
          We are supposed to get new WiFi box in sometime Wednesday so I will edit and hopefully post by next weekend. I will find a way to re-add it along with my many-many other stories to my busy schedule after getting WiFi back. 
          If you want to contact me with ideas or comments you feel you shouldn't post on the story, I am always welcome to critizim and help. I feed off of it. As long as it has reasoning and not pure hate/flame. (Example: Calling a character a marysue but not wanting to back up claim or hear the writer out.)
          I will also be working on other stories while waiting to have WiFi back. I am going to talk to co-writers about moving our Mechies here too not just Ao3. 
          If I can balance out my schedule I will be posting Frost Bite once a week. If not then my apologises again. Way things been irl between work and home and personal life...everything been in the air and crazy. Which is no excuse just explaining. I can only try my best and try to keep my muse fed.