I'm a Senior editor for an online platform, and I love your book Cheater's Paradise so much that we're willing to pay a signing bonus for it. Everything is legal. Are you interested? My email: author@novelmanga.com
Hey Luvs!
New chapter for Enigma will be posted at 8p.m. tomorrow! We're almost at the finish line!
Your support and patience are GREATLY APPRECIATED!
P.S. Please let me know if you come across my books anywhere else! Thanks for looking out!
Also, check out @MishyDishy books Fragile and Wisdom, I'm loving them!
Hey Sis, your book is being promoted on Facebook by a pay to read app that steals book from authors on Kindle and Wattpad. They charge readers to pay and do not pay authors.
Here’s the fb ad: https://fb.watch/rRa5cNwArJ/?mibextid=cr9u03
Hi Loves,
I crave your patience as I try to complete Enigma. It's been a difficult time for my family as we mourn the loss of our loved ones.
I'm trying to find the motivation to write and update, hence the delay...
Thank you for understanding. Pray for us please!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hope y'all have been doing great!!!
GOOD NEWS! My third book is loading !!! ENIGMA
Drop a comment if you're ready!
Can you guess what it's about?
J. DeCosta
It's now available on all Amazon platforms in Paperback and Kindle!!! Buy your copy today! Tell a friend too!! Thabk you for your support..xoxo