To all followers,
I wish to apologize for not publishing anything in about five months now. I have been either preoccupied or in a writer's block on my stories. Let it be known, though, that I have been working on them and soon I will be releasing the first chapter of the second Apocalypse book. I have had people asking for this story and I finally have a chapter for you, but let me make it clear. My schedule is hectic right now and stories are going to be in short supply from me, but I will do what I can, when I can. On a side note, I am working on bringing back the Forever in Time series, revised and continued to add to my universe of characters. Furthermore, I am working on my other stories and some new ones for your enjoyment, all I ask is to have patience with me as I do what I can and enjoy as I hope you will. As always...
Live in the present.