
I dont wanna assume whether yari is fake or not. Idk i think its up to the person itself wether you wanna believe which one is true and false. Living in a life that made me have a trust issues giving me a hard time to believe eventhough theres several hints yari kept giving to his followers. But i just wanna say that his book is really really good. I hope one day i can believe him but argh idk, being a blink and an army at the same time is just make me feel to be cautious about things on soc media. I once saw people saying blackpink and bts fans are so wierd bcs what we have in our fandom. Look, blackpink, even in the same fandom, we keep on arguing whose the most best girl in the group like wtf just stop. Also we keep on arguing about ships which more realiest. Even arguing about dr tea, yari and such. I think that kind of argument has to stop tbh. Thats all i think i wanna say. Keep on going writing your book yari! Will wait for the new chapter!


@w000pyy I appreciate your comment, thank you. Here I criticize exactly all these behaviors, and I get nothing, from nothing I am doing online. I can only hope that open-minded and intelligent people can understand and benefit from my actions and writing, for sure in pop there was never a "fake" who wanted to wake up the fans, and shove real-life problems into their faces. I have always said it and I will repeat it forever, telling me "you are fake, you are this or that", will never change the reality of my life. so I will continue, young people need to read useful things as well as "Fanfiction about ship x"