Hi Everyone!!!!
First of all, to all of you who are following and voting on my book, my heart is full of gratitude to you. ❤️❤️❤️. An issue of some magnitude has recently caught my attention and I would like to take a stand on it. I am not a super political person, like, I won't be flooding my announcements with my political opinions, but I am a Christian believer. I know that my followers might come from different religious backgrounds and faiths so let me just say this. It doesn't matter to me whether you are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or have no religion at all. I see you all as human beings, with personal stories and I will be the last person to judge or hate on anyone because of what they believe. Nobody has the right to persecute you because of what you believe. And nobody has the right to persecute me because of what I believe. If someone wants to share their faith publicly, I applaud them. They have the right to do so without prejudicial or uninformed harassment. What more can I say? Everyone has the right to their opinions, and some people, while I wish they weren't, are prejudiced people, however, I am asking those with negative opinions on another person's beliefs, to keep it to themselves. There's no reason to spread hatred around. Well, excepting my book, don't hate on it, but constructive criticism is always welcome .
Thank you for bearing with me on my little rant, but I felt that this was something that needed to be said.