Hey guys.
Yes, I took down Corrupted. No it's not gone forever, it'll be back soon. A wave of self doubt set me back and ended up driving me to unpublishing the story. Which I realize might've been a bit dramatic. But now that I'm able to think clearly after a little bit of doubting my writing abilities, I decided that it was a good thing that I took it down. Hear me out, originally, before Corrupted was physically created, I had the idea of creating Felix's Journal. The journal would contain everything that happened before Emily came into the picture and the readers could get the feel of what the Blackmore brothers were like in the past and what they went through before Emily and the rest of the gang. I have wanted to try the idea for a while but that self doubt got to me and I ended up not doing it. Until the other day. After my wave of self doubt passed, I started wondering what I could do to kinda tweak the story a little bit. And then that idea came to mind after I was complaining about all the ideas I originally had but didn't do. I'll spare you the entire sob story I have about self doubt and get right to it, Felix's Journal is coming to life and is in the making. It's literally in a journal because I'm extra like that. I started typing a little bit of it but its all in the actual journal. It'll be released soon. I know me taking things down is getting old but there's a method to my madness I swear. I'm slowly losing my mind because of all then ideas but I'm sure I'll be fine.