
Can u help me out? I write poems too but im not getting anywhere with it. So i decided to upload them on wattpad. I stopped doing wattpad when school arrived, i was too busy with school and i havent been writing poems. Can u help me get some attention? It would serve as something to motivate me and push me forward.

          Thank you so much xx


          I know you get a lot of reading requests but I would love for you to take the time out of your day to read my poems. I'm actually new to this and I was just wondering if you could tell me how can I perfect my poems. Because when I read yours it blows my mind! 


Greetings greetings! "'There is no such thing as a petty life, all life is equal.'
               -A Petty Life" Saw this on your profile, and admittedly only skimmed the story about the fly, although I gather that it's the fly getting killed and then musing from the afterlife about how his murder really wasn't justified. Would that be right? And also, I'm curious, do you think life includes plants, bacteria, etc?/what constitutes a life? look forward to hearing your opinion :D


@JHuggett i see i see, i guess the "equal" part was the part that confused me because i generally think of killing a human as worse than killing a fly, but im guessing you mean equal in the sense that they are all worthy of respect and considerateness


@SilvesterFyrr To a degree you were right about the story, although the fly inadvertently saved the man's life first, only to be killed and tossed aside. I would constitute plants, bacteria, and such as life, yes, but the point I was trying to get across is respect. Whereas in this day and age, myself included, people kill so many things yet they are ignorant to what they do. I say that all life is equal in respects to respect of life itself. Pointless killing is to me a disgrace because everything should have an equal chance at life, whether bacteria or us, for we see taking another human's life as a horrible thing. Is that not hypocritical then that we care not when we take the life of things we deem petty? My point, in the end, was this, think before you take something's life, stop mindlessly killing.