
I'm pleased to announce that 'Beyond the Shroud' has finally been published!! It's available now only as a Kindle Edition, but hopefully by the end of this week, or next, the physical copy will be ready to go as well!
          	Thank you again to everyone whose taken the time to review and support my work.  It really means a lot to me!  :)


I'm pleased to announce that 'Beyond the Shroud' has finally been published!! It's available now only as a Kindle Edition, but hopefully by the end of this week, or next, the physical copy will be ready to go as well!
          Thank you again to everyone whose taken the time to review and support my work.  It really means a lot to me!  :)


Well the cover art for my book is finally complete!  You can view it on by blog by following this link:
          I've had to delete 'Beyond the Shroud' from this site now, but there is still a short extract on the blog I mentioned, and once it is published I believe I can make several chapters available for free, which I will be doing also if anybody is interested.
          Thanks to everyone who did read it, and my other works, and for all your support!  :)


I've just created myself a blog on Tumblr at http://rider-to-cavale.tumblr.com/
          It's focused on my writing and I've a few stories posted there, but I'll still post on here.  The blog is more about discussing writing itself, what it means to me and my experiences.  There's also a section for music.  If any of you are interested, feel free to stop by.  I've also linked it on the My Website button.


Just wanted to thank everyone whose taken the time to either read, comment, or vote on 'Beyond the Shroud.'  As an update, the work on the cover has just begun and will hopefully be completed soon so that I can release the book.
          I will be posting another chapter on here tomorrow, and possibly another later in the week pending on the feedback I receive.
          Thanks again for those who've helped!  :)