A.B.C.'s About me
Author you love? The person reading this🤍
Best friend? My cats and my fiancé
Can't live without? My cat
Dream destination? The top of the Eiffel tower
Embarrassing moment? Any of my drywalling moments
Favorite food? Spaghettios
Greatest achievement? My engagement
Hometown? Geneva IL
Innermost fear? My fiancé 😂
Just finished reading? A boys fanfic
Kindle? nope
Love to read? Would I have Wattpad if I didn't?
Makes you laugh? Fiancé
Number one movie? Mars needs moms
One wish? To meet the boys
Pizza topping? PINEAPPLE! Fight me wh*res
Quote that describes you? "I'm a convicted felon for the three. Counts of desecration of gravesites. Two counts of public nudity. One time for pissing in the park. I am a public menace and I need to be stopped. Please if anyone can hear this put me down. I'm a danger to you and everyone you love"- Juicyfruitsnacks"
Reading now? Boys fanfics
Siblings? real fam: one sister, one nb sib
Texted last? Idk tbh
Understands you the best? My fiancé
Vanilla or chocolate? Strawberry lmao
Worst habit? Smokin ig
X-rays you've had? None
Your favorite song? Sick
Zodiac sign? Aries
- Yo moms place
- RegistriertDecember 8, 2017
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