
Yea, so if I already sent this, I'm still gonna say it. 
          	If you like Julie and the phantoms, please give this story a chance. There aren't a lot of chapters yet, but the wait will be worth it cause the plot is already so good. So come and show this author some love and support 


Your reading list is fire. Done found some good reads in them 


@NekodaDotR Thanks.  I honestly, at first, I made it for storage, but then I started making them to expose some of  the authors and stories I adore after I found out ppl were reading through them.


Hi, friend! I just wanted to say thank you for following me and enjoying my fics, I appreciate it~♡
          And to answer your on how involved stu is in psycho Killers, he's very much involved! Have a great day, night and or afternoon!♡


@Theokhufflepuff Thank you so much for answering my questions. I too wish you a wonderful day,night or afternoon 