I have been tagged by @HughWilson
Sorry it took me more than a week
So the point is to let people know you a bit better and you can tag other people you may want to know better
Here is what you have to do if I tag you:
+You must post 13 things about yourself
+You can't refuse
+You shall complete this in a week's time
+You must tag 5 people or more
Well, here it is:
1. I am a 17 y/o girl and I live somewhere in Europe (my secret, shhh ☺️)
2. I really like brain teasers and if you give me a good one it will keep me awake no problem.
3. I always liked reading but only recently I found myself sorounded by people that also read so they won't see me as weird.
4. I love adventure, thriller, SF and superhero movies. With books I love a little supernatural and violence.
5. I am actually working on my own work that I will start posting soon hopefully ^.^
6. I love traveling and I can go anytime and anywhere, even if I've been there already.
7. I watch anime and read manga.
8. I love playing RPG and strategy games but my crappy computer is in the way.
9. I love sports and I am training one myself.
10. Unlike most people, I love going to school because all my friends go there.
11. I love all animals no matter of their shape and size.
12. I enjoy all kinds of music but rock and classical music the most.
13. My dream is to become a programmer.
Well, that's me. Here is who I'll tag and if you have already been tagged just ignore it ^.^
@SomethingGrandmaSaid @TeaKrmar @KatyFab @HoneyChan93 @RainyDay769
Farewell ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ