So.... I should talk about my weird dream.... Basically, it was Newsies but on crack, not the good kind. Jack and Davey ended up together at the end, as they should've. But whenever they were together, someone would yell "make out!" at them. All the old men were old British women, for some reason. And worst of all was the Delancey brothers. Instead of just being rude, they constantly tried to flirt and... uh... r a p e the newsies.... There was a very detailed part that I wish I didn't remember. Both Jack and Davey were locked in the cellar, and instead of the torture just being sleeping on the printing press, Morris held Jack back as uh Oscar attempted to r a p e Davey. There wasn't anything steamy, just Oscar pinning Davey to a wall and talking about his lips. Eventually Jack broke free and punched both of the brothers, causing them to retreat. Overall, I wish I never fell asleep.
4/10 only because Javid