
Every time someone hits a table or something made of wood or anything else that can damage it I screach "That is mahogany!" in an Effie accent. My families gotten quite used to it.


Little suggestion of what you should do if you're a JLaw fan and someone says something bad about her and her acting skills:
          Punch them and say things like: 'How dare you?!? You must be an idiot! She is one of the greatest actresses on earth and you don't even deserve to know her name! Why don't you go say that to her Oscar huh?' while quoting the Hunger Games


Well that wS a totally awesome and kinda strange night. I went to a middle school dance and this one super popular boy who usually acts kinda cocky came up to ME and said I looked really pretty. He almost seemed kinda shy and embarrassed to say it. He was looking down at his feet and was almost a little hesitant. I'm not positive but his cheeks almost looked a little red to. But there's no way HE could have a crush on ME. He's super popular and I'm a loser and everyone thinks I'm a weirdo.


Really mom, really?? I went out to the living room after I showered to show my mom yet another pair of underwear my dog ate (that's 3 this week!) and when I turned to go back to the bathroom she giggled and said my backside was red (I take really hot showered) Seriously? Why does it have to be mothers' sole mission to embarrass their kids as much as possible?!