So... hi. It's been a while... but I guess I might be back on Wattpad? I admit that I fell out of love with writing for a while there and particularly out of love with my own writing. I haven't logged in to Wattpad for a good few years now but seeing how many people have been asked about my writing (particularly Stockholm Stigma) has made me wonder if perhaps taking my work down was a little selfish. Sure it's a bit cringey for me to reread now, but my old writing projects were how I explored the world and my own sexuality. If they helped other people... then maybe they deserve a place too. Anyway, watch this space. It might take a while but I'll be reuploading some of my old work and, who knows, maybe even some new stuff... eventually...

i come back to check for Stockholm Stigma every few months.. lol welcome back. if you decide to reupload i’d be ecstatic i really loved that book