
Your boy is at it with Skylar's Mistake! It's gonna be an interesting journey I'm four chapters in I will be creating chapters as often as I can for this story I hope everyone who reads it share this story I can really use more followers, viewers, voters and subscribers let's help each other all get there and become successful.


Your boy is at it with Skylar's Mistake! It's gonna be an interesting journey I'm four chapters in I will be creating chapters as often as I can for this story I hope everyone who reads it share this story I can really use more followers, viewers, voters and subscribers let's help each other all get there and become successful.


I realize my stories aren't getting the attention it deserve I'm back and I'm working on my second story called (Left Alive) it's a zombie story that I've been plotting in my head for a while now.
          I really need everyone to read comment on it as well as spread the word to others to check it out I will great fully appreciate it thanks! ;)


I'm working on something completely different than I'm use too it's a western cowboy style story called [No Good Deeds] basically it's about a guy who was betrayed and left for dead by his old gang.
          Sometime pass and he end up having to face this gang once again down the road as he tries to keep this child safe from their evil clutches. 
          I want everyone to give it a read hopefully you guys will love it vote and comment on each chapter I put out.


Why is there so many stories on bad boys on Wattpad? That type of story got played out so fast being on here. 
          How could so many of y'all complain about wanting a good guy, but only write stories about bad boys? I don't understand that.