Alright folks, it’s me. I hope you’re all doing well. I apologize for my lack of updates for a while. I’ve just been having a lot of things go on in my personal and professional lives and have had to step back on a lot of things I enjoy, namely, reading and writing and watching TV. I am currently a full time student with both a full time job and part time job, trying to keep myself afloat and barely succeeding. I have been really missing out on writing things on here and am going to try to get back to it because honestly my mental health has been lacking recently and I think it’s because I’m not able to do a lot of the things I enjoy doing. However, as I have a lack of time to be watching tv right now I’m putting More Than Blood on hold and will instead be picking up Fight To Live since it is a (mostly) original work for me set in the TWD universe with a handful of its characters. That will allow me to write without having to watch and follow along the shows at this time. I will be coming back to More Than Blood, because it is truly one of my favorite stories with my favorite OCs, but just don’t have the time to commit to the show and writing at the moment. I hope this is at least understandable and acceptable for y’all in the meantime. I will be posting this announcement in a part in both MTB and FTL after I post it here to make sure I reach the people I need to reach.