Hello everyone! I’ll be posting two new chapters today, and then I’ll take a break from writing after that. 
          	Thank you for always supporting my story! Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon enough to continue writing after my long needed break. ☺️


@JOYHYT Hi! When will you update again? We're waiting for you. Take care :)


@Ideal_infinity Thank you!! ♥️ I’ll rest well and come back for more!


@JOYHYT Thank you for writing such an amazing story! Have a nice break and lots of rest! We'll be waiting for you ❤


I pray all is well with you and your family. Believe me I can understand how life can get in the way of the best laid plans.  I am really missing you and this story.  Please consider coming back to it and finish if time and life allows.  


I’ll join the long line of people wondering if you’re ok. You were a wonderful support when I was first writing my fanfic. Regardless if you want to continue your stories I just want you to know I loved reading both of them. I hope you and your family are well. ❤️