Hey all, i just wanted to quickly hop on here and let you guys know the chapter 1 of The Whispering: Rebooted is completed. And i am currently working on chapter 2, now like i said in an older post I'm not sure how many chapters there will be so we'll see about that. 
          	Also im not sure if im going to be releasing the book chapter by chapter or the whole thing when its done so again we'll just have to wait n see :) 


          Hey all, i just wanted to quickly hop on here and let you guys know the chapter 1 of The Whispering: Rebooted is completed. And i am currently working on chapter 2, now like i said in an older post I'm not sure how many chapters there will be so we'll see about that. 
          Also im not sure if im going to be releasing the book chapter by chapter or the whole thing when its done so again we'll just have to wait n see :) 


          I've been doing some thinking and i like the idea of giving a weekly update about my progression on the book. So i've decided to give an update every week which can be any day the week from Mon-Friday so be on the lookout for that.
          As of this week's progression it's going really well considering i started work on it yesterday (November 1st) I've already completed 3 pages of chapter 1, I don't know how long i want each chapter to be but for now I'm just gonna go until i feel it's good. 
          Still dont have any potential release dates as i really want this book to be fleshed out and entertaining and so far i think I'm nailing it.
          So that's this week's progress report! i hope you guys stick around to hear more!!


@JR-STUDIOS ALSO i forgot to mention that next weeks progress report may not be that impressive as i've been assigned to write an autobiography of myself as a class project  so while i will still be working on the book some of my time will be shifted towards that.
            (and no the autobiography will not be published it is a class project meant only for the teacher to see :p) 


The real reason I left.
          Hey guys it's me it's been a hell of a journey and I'm sorry for Leaving everyone with a never finished project, I guess the truth is that writing books is something I enjoy and would love to do but at the time it was a kind of on and off thing for me there would be times were I would sit and enjoy writing a book while listening to music and they're would be times were I would feel frustrated and confused. And I guess that's what happened with my last project I worked on I had a good chunk of it finished but then I just felt empty... So in frustration and confusion I scrapped the project and left Wattpad for a couple years. However my ambitions never left my mind I still want to write books and was even thinking on making a comic series but only time will tell. On a good note a am planning on working on another book, a short one that is, so I can start to get the wheels rolling again and hopefully. If all goes well. I can continue my book series that I hold close to my heart.
          Sincerely - J.R


Hey guys it's been awhile since I've done a update, so i thought I'd fill you guys in !
          First THANK YOU for the amazing feedback i remember i went online and saw my book was at #12 on fanbook ! It was so amazing !
          2nd: Is there another book coming ?
          Yes there's another book being made but its in its very ealry stages we haven't even started to write it yet, we want to make sure its perfect. 
          3rd: Is the Whisperer getting another book? 
          Yes were planning on that but for now thats in the future.
          So i hope you stick around and and THANK YOU FOR YOU SUPPORT !!