this message may be offensive
To my best friend, I have known you since kindergarten, and I have been with you till the end. I’m sorry I have said some fucked up shit to you, I regret it, but it eased me a bit knowing you forgave me. You were many peoples best friend who made everything better, you were a amazing boyfriend to one, you were a brother to two sisters, a amazing son to your mom, a amazing student, friend, family member, and lover. You were and will forever be my best friend who was like a brother to me, always went along and had fun doing silly stupid things, helped me down from so many god damn tree too, made sure I was always taking care of my self and if I wasn’t you’d always swing in and help, you made me amazing food, amazing memories, and you were a amazing friend. I can’t come to your funeral but I’ll hold you your very own at the dock at sunrise, I know I will one day except that your gone…but I’ll always keep you close…I’ll make sure that every morning no matter the weather I wake up and go watch the sun rise at the dock or the mountains or the forest no matter we’re, I’ll see you rise in the sky my friend cause you are the brightest sun ever….