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Hey, everyone! Sorry that I had kinda disappeared and stopped writing. I just was going through a lot and needed a break. I'm going to delete all of my stories and start writing new ones. To be completely honest, all of those stories were shit. Another big change is that I will no longer be writing romance related things or furry things in general. While I am a furry myself, I just find it impractical to write books that will never be published or will receive a lot of hate in the real world, so I'm going to be writing novels that I will eventually publish in the real world. So, yeah. That's what is happening! If you guys are still interested in keeping up on things, feel free to stick around! If you want to leave or not hang around, that's perfectly fine. Whatever you guys decide, hope you all have a wonderful day! - Josh

For what it’s worth, The Battle of the Heralds was an awesome title. It’s a shame I can’t ever read if and that it and the other stories are gone forever. I wish Wattpad didn’t allow people to delete their stories.

That’s sad. I would have loved your stories ;;( If you come back, could you please put your furry stories back up? That if you didn’t delete them entirely. I bet your stories were amazing and seeing this makes me really sad that I hadn’t joined soon enough to convince you to keep them.