Hi everyone I’m alive!!
Sorry I haven’t posted anything since 2018. My life has been an absolute roller coaster but the major life changing event was I began therapy for my depression and it led to a lot of personal revolutions I needed to accept. So the biggest one is that I’m gay and I’ve spent the last two years really learning to love and accept that part of my identity I had shunned since I was 12. It’s been a long two years and lots of setbacks but I reached the point where I could come out to my immediate family this year to lots of acceptance and love.
The second major thing is that I’ve also had to learn to accept the trauma I’ve experienced as a Black man in America since I was literally a baby. That’s been especially hard this year with Black Lives Matter and losing friends and loved ones over my support of the movement.
But through all that, it’s motivated me again to come back to writing. Not only that but to write authentically and having LGBTQ People of Color take the stage in my works. So in that spirit, I will be removing The Serpent’s Kiss as it exists now so I can lay it aside to come back to rewrite it in a newer, gayer way ( tis the season to make a Yuletide gay!) and I’ll be releasing a brand new series!