Hi, I'm Ace Lim Flores, and I'm that annoying type of person who writes on your wall to convince you to read my story when you'll have time.
I know it can be quite annoying to have that kind of message everyday, but may I ask you to give my story a shot ?
When you'll finish everything you had to do, do you mind trying to give my book a chance ?
If you don't want to, I'll understand, but at least I tried. I'm the kind of person who prefers to fail because he tried rather than to regret because he never tried anyways.
If you have books to recommend, I'm also a taker :)
May you have a good day and achieve every goals of yours, may your dreams also come true *-*
If ever you need to talk to anyone, I'd never mind being a shoulder to cry on =]
I hope you're feeling great now, and that you'll have or you had a great day ^×^
I hope to see you soon ^•^
I'm really sorry if I have ever bothered you :'(
Truly Yours,