
I've just posted the last chapter of The Connoisseur.  It's done!  Sophia and Alexander's journey has reached its end (on paper, at least - I wonder if they'll keep going...).  This chapter is a bumper edition, almost twice as long as the others.  I thought about splitting it, but it didn't feel right.  You know how it is once you get attached to stuff :)
          	Thanks so, so much to all of you who have been reading.  It's been a terrific ride.  I never thought I'd write a romance story, but because I got exposed to some brilliant ones on Wattpad, I have done.  This novel literally wouldn't exist without this website, and without you lot.  Thank you!


Hey Jeremy,
          It's 5 years after I first stumbled across Dream of the Heavens, and I still find myself returning to this story from time to time.
          I can't really put my finger on what it is about this story, these characters, this writing that keeps pulling me back. I suppose there are many elements of this story and the journey of these characters that reminds me of why I formed a love for reading and writing stories in the first place. 
          It's comforting coming back to a story and cast that feel so familiar after the umpteenth time I'm reading it, and each reading brings a fresh appreciation for your craft, and that of story writing in general.
          Thanks for creating this journey I can experience over and over again!


@karabiner159 No problem, you did reply but as a private message! I've been getting a bit mixed up myself anyway. Could you drop an email address or other method of sending the PDF as a private message to me?


Hi Jeremy - I thought I’d replied to this message ages ago, but apparently I didn’t. It would be great to get that pdf! Hope all is going well with your other projects. Here’s to hoping I see your name on the bestseller shelf soon ;)
            - Bilal


@karabiner159  Hello! It's lovely to hear from you, and quite the Christmas present. Knowing that this story has stuck in your head for this long is very gratifying, and the fact that you felt like getting in touch is a wonderful source of encouragement. That's particularly the case as I'm not really on Wattpad any more, and because A Dream of the Heaven isn't a story I've worked on for a few years. Time moves on - I'm working on my third novel now, not a sequel, sadly, and this world has moved a little further back in my head, but my goodness have you got me thinking about Imlon and Isendrin again these last couple of days! One day I'll come back to it.
            I have an updated, much more polished version of the novel that's not on Wattpad. I'd be happy to send you a PDF copy. The Wattpad draft is 3rd draft, and the latest one is 5th. There are a bunch of general plot and writing improvements and two new chapters during the brothers' residence in Monruath. Send me a private message if you're interested and we can chat some more. If not, then thank you anyway, and I hope you're having a great festive season.


I have read your book A Dream of Heaven and I really loved reading the story of the Held Brothers. Looking forward for the second book to be published. More powers in writing. Godswings!!! 


I'll definitely wait for that day. Godswings @JWPThackary


@CrizOsilleva Thank you so much. I'm delighted you enjoyed it :) The second is definitely going to appear one day.


@Summr_Dreams Thanks for your message, I love engaging with readers :)  Honestly, I didn't think of an alternative ending - not one that would have been consistent with the characters and their motives, at least.  I wanted to make it clear in the final chapter that their new life together doesn't mean time-travelling is outlawed.  They can still travel together and go to extraordinary places, but Alexander needed to have a grounding in a single timeline to give his life some meaning again.  So in some ways the fantasy and reality do run parallel, but a different balance has been struck, with reality taking a much more prominent role in their lives.
          The ending of Series 9 of Doctor Who was quite something.  I didn't quite engage with it, to be honest.  I like the idea of Clara adventuring through time and space without the Doctor in principle, but I don't think they quite pulled it off.  I'm an old curmudgeon anyway, New Who was best in series 3-5 ;) Love Capaldi though.
          Thanks again!


Will there ever be a sequel to The Connoisseur? I just read it and completely loved it! :)


@ScoobyDooforever  I really did enjoy it, thats one of the better book Ive read on here. The reasons for no sequel make sense. 


@ScoobyDooforever Hey there.  I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the story!  I haven't been active on Wattpad for some time, so seeing people still enjoying my writing is a great source of pleasure for me.
            I don't have any plans for a sequel to Connoisseur.  There's a fancy reason for that and a very practical reason for it.  The fancy reason is that one of the points of the story is that relationships in fiction can never be as complex as those in reality; to live a normal life together, the fairytale has to end for Sophia and Alexander, and the reality of life to begin.  A sequel might undermine that.
            The practical reason is that I haven't had an idea for a plot!  If I do, who knows, that fancy reason might be completely blown away.
            Regardless, I'm delighted that you enjoyed it.


Happy (Belated) birthday, Jeremy.
          (Bet you thought we forgot about you.)
          (We didn't)
          (We're always watching)
          (*Cue creepy laughter*)


@Promeno Thanks!  I wouldn't blame you for forgetting - I've been pretty much silent on here for a good long while.  The writing goes on though...  Thanks again, lovely to hear from you.


Hey dude... I personally love your books and I think you're a wonderful writer. I love your style best. so, are you writing anymore or are you on break or something? just curious haha since its kinda hard to find really good writers on wattpad. your answer will be appreciated :)


@KazyleVelociraptor Hey there :) Thanks for your interest, and I'm delighted to hear that you've enjoyed my stuff.  I'm currently putting together the 4th draft of A Dream of the Heaven (the one on here is the 3rd), in preparation for taking the plunge and submitting to publishers.  I might get back to some Wattpad stuff after that, maybe another short story.  Thanks again!


Why is your book called The Connoisseur?


@JWPThackray I particularly enjoyed that adventure.. probably because that one was the only one I had prior knowledge of. The rest were new to me. Oscar Wilde,Mozart, Greta.. This is my first time hearing about them. All the same I enjoyed it and I hope you write others like this one.. :)


@Fasciola Thank you so much.  I've been away from Wattpad for a while and hadn't realised that you'd been reading.  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the story!
            My other stories are very different from Connoisseur, being fantasies and dark/gothic short stories respectively.  I'd never written romance before coming to Wattpad, so Connoisseur is the odd one out really!  Still, you might enjoy the others, but I'm pleased you liked even one of my bits of writing.
            The Shahrazad in my story is my own idea, yep!  I was quite pleased with that one :)  I thought it would be the loveliest thing to show some truth behind the myth, but I couldn't make it too truthful, so I thought I'd make her a storytelling servant girl rather than a storytelling Queen.


@JWPThackray Makes sense. At first I couldn't tell what his time traveling had to do with the word Connoisseur. I understood that he loved the fine things, probably because of what he went through and all that but I was missing the link between all that and the book title. I get it now. And I must say I really enjoyed reading your book. Alex is human after all..I couldn't tell what his intentions were during the first chapters and the secrets made it worse but you worked out all the wrinkles at the end...and I'm glad I didn't stop reading halfway. 
            I hope your other books are as interesting. :) And one last thing, was the Arabian servant girl really an idea you thought up?