
Read this it's for TheSiths who are the best at writing stories and this one I'm currently helping with!


Bop Bap!




Okay two news stories coming out
          Land of Mind (I think it's name)
          Which is being edited by LegitGirlGamer and Writen By me
          And then the
          The School or Magic users (I think it's name)
          Which is being edited by LegitGirlGamer Illustrated by LeadWarrior_Faith and Writen By me
          Go check out those people and read the stories


I'm allowing people (yes I'am) to write their versions of it say from their point of view or alternate timelines where your character is the maim character diary of your character or just not do it I'm allowing people to rewrite not copy my part of this story but write it in their point of view ~ Janer (PST I'm tired I don't even know why I'm up) 


Hey people you most likely don't read this but You may ask at times is Janet or Janer still friends with certain people well.. Isy and Emy I don't know anymore but if you want to talk about our friendship or about Isy or Emy just message me on Wattpad or anything that you have me on!