
I just read somewhere that Stephenie Meyer is working on two more Twilight book and that there will also be a Twilight tv series.
          	Does anyone know if this is true?
          	Also, I honestly wish she would write a book that follows more closely to the Quileute wolves. Maybe start from the Twilight timeline, only from Jacob or even Sam's point of view?
          	Maybe that's just me though.


I just read somewhere that Stephenie Meyer is working on two more Twilight book and that there will also be a Twilight tv series.
          Does anyone know if this is true?
          Also, I honestly wish she would write a book that follows more closely to the Quileute wolves. Maybe start from the Twilight timeline, only from Jacob or even Sam's point of view?
          Maybe that's just me though.


Working on a 9-1-1/Fast and Furious crossover. Might take a while for me to post any chapters, but I will do my best to stick with it.
          It's about the eldest daughter of Athena Grant who is both a racer and an officer of the LAPD. Her name is Ciara and she grew up next door to the Toretto family.
          She became best friends with the Toretto siblings, especially Dom. They were like platonic soulmates. When she wanted to become a police offer, Dom supported her decision and still deemed her as family.
          The timeline will obviously be different, especially for the FandF side.
          Her love interests will most likely be Buck and Eddie, because we need more stories that are poly involving those two.
          What do you all think?


Hey, I wanted to ask if you would be continuing your lone star book it’s a really great plot line and their just isn’t enough lone star books out there!


@Blossom8shine I'm not really sure. Every time I have an idea for a book, I end up with writer's block, and so I read other books to try and draw inspiration from them. That and I haven't been able to watch the show lately. I'm sorry, I wish I could give you better news. If I do continue to write it or any of my other books though, it will take a while. Thank you for your kind words though!


So a while ago you posted some comments on my fan fiction Robin Singer. I am trying to catch up on my notifications and wanted to say thank you. My favorites are when people comment and I can interact with them. Feel free to keep doing that❤️


Can someone tell me why there are so many Tom Holland/Spider-Man fanfics, but not enough Andrew Garfield or Tobey Maguire ones?
          I'm on a Spider-Man kick and haven't watched all the Tom Holland ones. I need more Andrew and Tobey! *Cries dramatically*


If any of you have fanfiction.net, please check out the new book I'm writing called "Their Savior". It's a crossover of The Vampire Diaries and 9-1-1: Lone Star. My profile in there is under jessnmark1017.
          Thank you and Happy readings!


Is it just me, or is there not enough 9-1-1 Lone Star fanfics that aren't about TK + Carlos?
          Don't get me wrong, I love Tarlos with my entire heart, but we need more fanfics. There's more for 9-1-1, especially for Buck. Not many Eddie ones. I need more Lone Star. Preferably Tarlos + OC.