
Everything is okay and always will be okay because everything just is. It won’t feel okay at first because you’re holding onto the illusion of control, something that you really don’t have to begin with. Sure, you can control minute, trivial things, but really you’re just in control of a vessel your spirit has been given, which your spirit isn’t even yours. You can’t own yourself you just are yourself. What is a spirit? What am I? Who am I? I’m nobody but at the same time I’m everything that has ever been and ever will be, I am one with life because I am life, I am consciousness even when I physically am not because you can’t shut off yourself. There is no good or bad, there just is. Everything just is. Your thoughts just are, your anxiety, all the things that keep you in your head or stuck in this world just is and that’s okay. When you stop fighting what is you can learn to enjoy it, and it’ll be the most amazing experience, the most profound, ineffable, transcendent thing. It will fill you with joy and compassion for all the world is, for all that life is and you will radiate of it and feel the deepest connection to the planet, to animals, to every living being because you are life, we are all life and life just is and always will be. We aren’t separate, our minds just can’t embrace it fully because the concept is bigger than the life we think we know. All you have to do is breathe and accept that everything just is and that that’s okay and that it’s the most beautiful, inexplicable thing.


Everything is okay and always will be okay because everything just is. It won’t feel okay at first because you’re holding onto the illusion of control, something that you really don’t have to begin with. Sure, you can control minute, trivial things, but really you’re just in control of a vessel your spirit has been given, which your spirit isn’t even yours. You can’t own yourself you just are yourself. What is a spirit? What am I? Who am I? I’m nobody but at the same time I’m everything that has ever been and ever will be, I am one with life because I am life, I am consciousness even when I physically am not because you can’t shut off yourself. There is no good or bad, there just is. Everything just is. Your thoughts just are, your anxiety, all the things that keep you in your head or stuck in this world just is and that’s okay. When you stop fighting what is you can learn to enjoy it, and it’ll be the most amazing experience, the most profound, ineffable, transcendent thing. It will fill you with joy and compassion for all the world is, for all that life is and you will radiate of it and feel the deepest connection to the planet, to animals, to every living being because you are life, we are all life and life just is and always will be. We aren’t separate, our minds just can’t embrace it fully because the concept is bigger than the life we think we know. All you have to do is breathe and accept that everything just is and that that’s okay and that it’s the most beautiful, inexplicable thing.


Falling a bit behind on the critiques I owe but I haven't forgotten anybody! I'm going to get started tomorrow as the past several days have been a lot more busy than I had anticipated, plus I had a lot of muse for Maksim & Stefan's chapter so I prioritized finishing that first. If you're waiting on me just know I still gotchu <3