


@ J_oak3rs  up lagi bang


happy girlfriend dayyy! thank you for being in my life, I can't express how lucky I am to know you all this time, and thank you for wanting to spend time with me, I don't know what else to say to thank you, because all your attention, that's all I get. that's happiness. and thank you for always wanting to be a support system for me, bub, you have become my second home from everything . . because houses are not always in the form of buildings, right? and thank you for always being there when I'm at my worst, still being my fav person huh? and don't change, stay the person I know all along. . . 
          and sorry, I can't always be perfect in your eyes, I still have many shortcomings in any way. and also you always know how to make me comfortable when I'm near you, and thank you for holding out so far, bub?? and sorry if I've been close to you, I'm often angry, cranky, unclear. but you can always understand me, bub. I really can't say thank you in any other way, basically, love u all.