@TheKylaDione Kyla Ima hurt yo ass!...That's why you can't see over the counter at McDonalds! Short ass. And I DON'T date Ray tf? He date Symphony...right? I mean shidd, it's about TIME!
@IWriteTheseWordz Lmao, I try to help as much as possible but when it comes to Kyla..eh..theres not much I can do!Lmao.
@whereisdana THANK YOU!! Like dang. I've only been on here for 15 minutes and Kyla starting stuff.
@TheKylaDione Kyla Ima hurt yo ass!...That's why you can't see over the counter at McDonalds! Short ass. And I DON'T date Ray tf? He date Symphony...right? I mean shidd, it's about TIME!
@IWriteTheseWordz Lmao, I try to help as much as possible but when it comes to Kyla..eh..theres not much I can do!Lmao.
@whereisdana THANK YOU!! Like dang. I've only been on here for 15 minutes and Kyla starting stuff.
@IWriteTheseWordz@whereisdana Don't belee ha ya'll! I sane..I promise! Ya'll know this man!
@Jaaay2wice_ Don't make me start. That's why yo teeth be throwing up gang signs like yo boyfriend 2wice.!
@whereisdana Thank you! And no problem!
@IWriteTheseWordz ....I apologize for my cousin and her behavior..she doesn't get out much..this is why >.< ctfu. But ya'll prob already know this! Haha.
@TheKylaDione Kyla stfu.