
Sorry everyone I think I couldn't update any story of mine today but I will update tomorrow evening. I am currently in a place where signal is so poor so I can't update 


Hi everyone I don't know if I could update The Mafias Love today because I have errands to do so but I will try to update but ni promises  but I will update  my short story One-night / Positive today so just wait for it  have a nice day and always be careful 


Hi!!! Happy Monday everyone
          Sorry for late update I've got so much on my hands this Monday but I got time to publish so much 
          First is another chapter for The Mafias Love
          Second Bonus chapter for The Mafias Husband's
          Then I also publish my second short story entitled One-night / Positive
          Hope you try them out 


Hello, everyone sorry I didn't update yesterday I am now at my internship that's why I only have time to update/write during  Saturday and Sunday and I am trying to update every Sunday every week.
          and also The mafias love is already updated try and read it now and let me know what you think about the story flow is it slow or past?... thank you for supporting me thank you to 145 followers love you all keep safe and be safe bye bye