Ufonda, Attending her first year in High School as a freshmen goes to Pop and Drop High School with her friend Laquisha. As the first school day progresses she suddenly becomes friends with a girl named Abigail. Laquisha and Ufonda hang out after school with an Upper Classmate named Tyrikeus. Soon the Girls make a club called the Weavalisous Twerk Team (WT TEAM) including the three girls and the upper classmate. Then they must add more students for the club to stay up and that's when they add Jadin a quiet boy from Ufonda's homeroom, Dakota this amazing person Ufonda wants to know about and Jayquan who Ufonda suddenly looses interest in after having him join the club.
As more events happens Ufonda's older brother has problems with his girlfriend and later asks if she would like to move in with him only to be heart broken. Jadin suddenly starts acting crazy and then stops coming to school. Laquisha ditches Ufonda, Abigail keeps having to deal with Dalamp and gets mad at Ufonda for not understand fully that she's Italian! Also the crazy evil girl that Jadin was talking with stole the WT Teams Routines! Abigail gets into a fight with Dalamp and he gets a black eye we spot someone with crutches also talking with Abigail earilier but we have no idea why and now we left off at Ufonda finding out who her guest are for dinner. Trust me keep reading and you won't be off fleek ;)
This doesn't recap everything but most major things that happened I also re-edited the Intro - Chapter 5 (Where I stopped off at and what the re-cap is about) and added some new things along with corrected some spelling errors. Please enjoy Chapter 6 Coming out now!!!