I got tagged by @angel_sashaxxx The rules are... -you have to but 5 facts about yourself -it can't be in the comment/replies -you have to complete this within a week or there will be punishments -don't forget to post the rules -tag 15 people Five facts about me ①Bands are my lifestyle ②I'm addicted to Ribena ③I get attached to things/people really easily ⑷I'm play the piano ⑸I am a Goddess I tag: @itztashiiex @victorcostantino @awkwardlyperfect05 @brandi_K @twenty-hickies @letty505 @jemimahope @TheMermaidPoetry @shyBUTawesome @JuliaSzwanka @00expira00 @Anna-Maria1312 @BeyoncePayne @sissa2929 @TyperTasticTemi