
Can someone maybe give me some good fanfiction suggestions about Minho and Kitty? 


Hey guys, if you watch XO, Kitty and ship MoonCovey (Minho x Kitty), I made this story is for you! This is my take on what's going to happen in Season 3. I'm not forcing anyone, but I hope you guys will enjoy it, and I would really appreciate people interacting with the story!
          Xo. S<3


Hey there everybody, i will just upload my stories again, it will just all  be a bit slower, cause i also started a YouTube channel and a lot of my time, gets spends there, so the updates on my stories will be more at a slow pace, but they will be there
          If you wanna follow me on YouTube: click then on this link: https://www.youtube.com/@arwenjanssens6806
          I'am Dutch, so i will talk in Dutch on my YouTube channel


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Hey there, i have a lot of shit going on at the moment and i just can't find the time to write, cause i'm not really in the wright head space, at the moment, i have some health issues, for like over a year now, and now the doctors are finaly doing something about it! So my head is kinda full right now. You will see when i appear again, bye.


Hey everybody, i just started writing a story about the 100 and i kinda wanna put all my focus on there for now, cause i really wanna make it a good and not rushed story, and also, now that i started my YouTube channel, my planning schedule is getting a bit hectic, so i will also publish my other stories, but maybe not weekly, cause yet again, i really wanna put my focus on my the 100 story, i hope you all understand that


Hey iedereen, ik heb deze afgelopen dagen aan iets gewerkt. Iets wat ik al een lange tijd wou en nu heb ik het eindelijk! Ik heb een eigen YouTube Kanaal aangemaakt! Ik ga daar commentaar geven op series en films die ik zal kijken en het zal te doen zijn in het Nederlands met hoogstwaarschijnlijk Engelse ondertiteling, dus het zou veel voor mij betekenen, dat als jullie willen natuurlijk, mij daar ook zouden willen volgen. Dit is mijn YouTube kanaal: Arwen_Over_Reacts


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Hey there, up and until wenedsday or thursday, no new chapters will come out, cause my glasses broke in half this weekend and now they need fixing and i'm blind as shit right now, so i can't really write, just wanted to let you all know.