
Welcome to the Jackanna fandom! Hope you like it here, because you can not leave. Jk but you really shouldn't leave this ship family. Literally everyone follows each other, and it's just a fun place to be. I immediately followed you because I knew you were a true Jackanna shipper! Enjoy your stay!


Thank you so much I'm started something new and I hope you enjoy it. And ps I'm never leaving the Janna fandom xD


welcome to wattpad my fellow janna shipper! also, welcome , to the janna fandom! *raises hands up and music starts* our group sticks together at all tines,and we are very happy to have you as our newest member! ALL JANNA SHIPPERS KNOW EACHOTHER! WELCOME!


I'm sorry I couldn't reply I was gone for a long time but I am back  and I'm not leaving 