So some of you following me may have noticed a new story pop up titled “Ricochet” and noticed it said “COMING 2018”. This is a story I’m still (unfortunately) working on. It was my NaNoWriMo 2017 novel and, if you haven’t caught on yet, I failed NaNo. I would have been publishing a few chapters around right now if I had finished the novel. I’m at around 35,000 words and about 10+ chapters left until the story is complete, so I don’t want to start posting it until it is done. It will be a mature rated story due to the subject matter (it gets pretty dark) but regardless I hope you still take interest when it finally is completed because I worked my ass off in November to try and get it done and even though I didn’t succeed I still labored over it for hours on end and I think you’ll enjoy it when it’s completed. Thank you!