
if god is real. indiana is proof he has abandoned us.


New life update! I'm working on stuff when I can, my part time job, while paying well is kicking my ass a bit. For example, I have no days off this week, and I'm working 32 hours from today until Monday. 
          But I am still working on stuff! Being an adult just sometimes means I have other concurrent priorities!


@JackHuston96 dang, sorry man. But it's worth the pay, just keep that in mind! 


          I got it done friends! Hope you enjoy this first installment of my rewriting phase! This is just the first on my schedule which is guaranteed to take me until at LEAST the end of 2024 - in all likelihood into 2025 as well. My current plan is set as this:
          1. Symbiosis 2 (Title to be determined)
          2. Symbiosis 3 (Title to be determined)
          3. God's Will
          4. Ella's Storm
          5. Ella's Storm 2 
          6. Blinded by the Light
          Looking forward to this new era!


So I basically unpublished everything, because I'm going through and conducting rewrites on all of my old stories. Most of it will be rewritten in third person as the main change, but some are going through radical changes!
          The first Symbiosis has been done for a bit, I'm just doing a final read through before I put it back up! 
          (I'm afraid Wattpad will le purge again and I'll lose my work)


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*Spontaneously Spawns*
          What is UP (or down) my gamers? I'm done with classes for the semester and I only have one final next week. I've been rewriting the first Symbiosis from scratch and I really like the way its turning out. It is, by full metric, a complete reboot of the series - Netflix style! Don't worry I have old versions still backed up, and may post them on the new wiki I'll be constructing in the coming days and weeks. 
          A question has been raised, and maybe you can provide some answers. Since Taylor West is being removed from the equation altogether (that's the first major change lol) should I write in canon that the Creator, the local god like douche-nozzle with a penchant for being an unrelenting asshole, have just eviscerated or Thanos snapped Taylor West from Earth A out of existence and replaced her with the new main character? Or, should this simply take place on a parallel Earth? I'm leaning towards option 1 since I'm fully replacing Taylor. 
          Not sure if I should commit that to my lore!