
I feel the need to say this on any platform i have , as it is such an important cause and means more to history than anything else. 
          	at this time, we are part of history. 2020 is the year for change in every way. 
          	while we thought we would be making history with covid-19, we are making history with something much larger. 
          	For as long as i can remember, there has been racism. I’ve spent days pondering to myself why it couldn’t have just disappeared before me lifetime, and while i wish more than anything it had, this is not about a white teenager in a small town. 
          	this is so much more than me. 
          	This is the state of cities across the United States today, May 31st, 2020. Six days after the death of George Floyd.  
          	While protests grew and grew from peaceful to violent, we cannot sit back and watch. 
          	If you live in the United States, small town, big town, middle of bumfuck nowhere, PLEASE do not watch this happen and turn a blind eye. 
          	i do not care about the people who will stop supporting me. I do not care about anything except for justice. 
          	and I refuse to be silent until justice is served. not just in jailing the murderer of Floyd, but of  a reform of judicial systems all over the country & world, and an end to ALL racism. 
          	fight back against the corrupt. 


I feel the need to say this on any platform i have , as it is such an important cause and means more to history than anything else. 
          at this time, we are part of history. 2020 is the year for change in every way. 
          while we thought we would be making history with covid-19, we are making history with something much larger. 
          For as long as i can remember, there has been racism. I’ve spent days pondering to myself why it couldn’t have just disappeared before me lifetime, and while i wish more than anything it had, this is not about a white teenager in a small town. 
          this is so much more than me. 
          This is the state of cities across the United States today, May 31st, 2020. Six days after the death of George Floyd.  
          While protests grew and grew from peaceful to violent, we cannot sit back and watch. 
          If you live in the United States, small town, big town, middle of bumfuck nowhere, PLEASE do not watch this happen and turn a blind eye. 
          i do not care about the people who will stop supporting me. I do not care about anything except for justice. 
          and I refuse to be silent until justice is served. not just in jailing the murderer of Floyd, but of  a reform of judicial systems all over the country & world, and an end to ALL racism. 
          fight back against the corrupt. 


i apologize for the lack of explanation for deleting everything, and i won’t lie and say i’ll give one because truthfully, it isn’t something i’m really willing to do. i’m thankful and grateful for everyone who followed me on the journey of my writing, and has become a great friend since i opened this account, like Zelie and Jada. i loved writing the stories i did, and i was and still am endlessly thankful for all the love and support on my works. i’m truly sorry that i could not continue on wattpad, and that i felt more comfortable with deleting the work i had created than keeping it up. thank you all for a great time. 


@JackKaspbrak awe I really liked them ☹️


@ JackKaspbrak  I really loved every fanfic you published. You are really good at writing and you shouldn't waste your amazing talent. Not forcing you to stay and continue to write on wattpad, just saying that I really appreciated all your work and I hope you will be happy. 


@fanfic_addiction413 i am sadly done with writing all together & will not be making any new works


with lots of consideration and careful thinking, i’ve decided to delete all my works off wattpad. i’m sorry. 


@JackKaspbrak awe. I loved your work but I can respect your decision


@JackKaspbrak aww noooo!!! I was looking forward to reading Richie, Please


important - 
          as funny as the wwiii memes are, please don’t post abt them here on wattpad. i can’t stand to see them, it really hurts my heart and makes me feel fear beyond any other type. 
          while i never get political, i’ve noticed that while i have a large platform, i should bring somethings to light. 
          1, You should already be aware of the fact that Iran retaliated to the bombing twice, once with an air strike on the US base in Kenya, killing one US soldier, and again on a US base in Iran, firing missiles where our troops were being homed. 
          2, if you truly believe that trump made the proper decision, by going ahead and doing this WITHOUT getting an act of war from congress prior, i would genuinely like for you to remove me unless you can speak to me about it without attacking my views. 
          3, trump has recently tweeted about spending “trillions” of dollars on new military equipment, threatening to send it over to iran if they retaliated. Washing DC has a terrorism warning until the 18. 
          while we waste away, worrying about small things in our lives, war is breaking out and the world itself is burning. 
          i fear so immensely for this “war” and i cannot stay quiet about it anymore. while i can’t be drafted due to mental illness and health issues, my boyfriend is joining the military in august. 
          i don’t need any more painful reminders that i’ll more than likely lose my boyfriend in this war. please. don’t say anything about it on wattpad anymore. 




I'm very sorry. I truly wish the best for you and I agree with all of these memes they do kinda hurt. I cant belive trump is really out here being president:((


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@kasp_brakk BIG agree. boomers rlly put a dumbass in the chair and now i have to deal w the possibility of losing my boyfriend to his stupid choices. 


dealing with emotions by being open helps me so much more lately. i’m trying to become the best version of me, and i’m getting so much help from so many people. i’ve had one or two bad days in three ish weeks & im feeling so great. thank you all for your endless support & im hoping that i won’t be making any sad posts for a while ! 


@JackKaspbrak just don't give up. There are people in the world that care about you 


im proud of u <3


@JackKaspbrak *hug* i'm glad you're getting better