
Hey man I don't know what to say I really hope you're okay it's just been so long and I don't want you to become like those other people that say they're going to continue and then don't so I just have to ask and I know it's probably annoying at this point but I need to know are you gonna update this year hopefully next month again sorry if it's annoying just being a very long time?


@starwars582 I appreciate the compliment it really helping know people enjoy my writing like you I struggle with Self-esteem so reading this made me happy


@JackSnakeBlood no I'm sorry too I probably sound like some jerk trying to force you to do something your struggling to do  so sorry about that take your time it's just your stories is really good and i would like to read it again that's no right to keep annoying you hope everything gets sorted out have a great day again sorry for annoying you


@starwars582 I know I'm trying ok it's just my life style as changed drastically and it's hard to get writing I don't want to abandon this I really don't It hurts but life is making it hard for me especially with my mental health still not good and more problems arriving I'll try to get some up next month I'm sorry for the wait please know it eats at me that I'm not writing and I've been gone so long I didn't want to be gone this long my ADHD doesn't help either sorry I didn't mean to ramble


Hey I just made my first ever story come give it a read if you want


@JackSnakeBlood it's all good what side if it's just as you out I suggest writing a tiny bit of it so you have some of the start off and then just save it and come back to it when you're ready


@starwars582 sorry just noticed this message sorry but I don't read fanfic anymore I haven't read anything in a long time I just remembered that I haven't uploaded and people are waiting for me and it stress me out 


No offence man but I kind of feels like the stories are dead because you haven't updated for a long time do you update anytime next year at least no hate just curious it's been a while


@az1234567777777777 no offense man I suck I know that lol sorry I've been feeling dead lately listen I'm not in a good spot right now to write and currently I'm down a editor at the moment so don't expect anything soon I'm not going to make promises but I'll deliver something beginning of next year I just need a little more time I know it's inconvenient I realize that I've kept you all waiting so long especially for my high school of the dead story but I still remember all the important points I want to with each of my stories so I haven't forgotten but please I just need  a bit longer  and sorry again of the unintended long hiatus.


Can I ask you a question about you're welcome to demon school book


@starwars582 yeah Man im ok life's been hectic and my anxiety isn't helping pls its been hard getting back to writing, because it mostly takes about 8-12 hours to write this story's I usually do it all in a single sitting that's a long time to be writing and usually brains fired once I'm done I know the obvious answer is to takes breaks but the thing is I have ADHD it makes it hard sometimes to Write but once I get going I can't stop my self from writing the entire chapter in a single sitting because I enjoy writing but I need time to dedicate a entire day to writing, I hope this makes sense I'm very tired and about to go to bed and yes I'm totally down to do voltron book that's sounds great time 


@JackSnakeBlood I don't know if I've asked this yet but please have it when they go to the demon cycles that it only happens to y/n cuz I just think you'll be way cooler and are you still up to make that Voltron book and final question are you sure you're okay I know you keep saying you are it's been a long time man again a bit worried