Lincoln Chua was born in Klang, Malaysia and has lived in three countries: Malaysia, Singapore, and Canada. He is a Mechanical Engineer by training, a graduate of the National University of Singapore class of 88. He went on to pursue a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from The State University of New York at Buffalo, NY while in his 30s. While at SUNY he was impressed with the concept of Genetic Algorithms and used it in his thesis. Subsequently worked in Kamloops, British Columbia as a Facilities Manager at Thompson Rivers University and then moved to Edmonton, Alberta where he now resides. He has written travel articles for the Singapore Straits Times in the 1990s.
  • Edmonton, Alberta
  • RegistriertJanuary 22, 2012

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Geschichte von Lincoln TS Chua
At the start of the next World War the navies of China and Japan invaded the Malay peninsula at Mersing on th...
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