The climatic event has arrived.
In that still moment between the flash of light and the earth-shaking boom, the pieces of the world hang suspended. The unimaginable has happened and no one can guess where they will fall and what it will mean for everyone's future.
In Chapter 12 of Kabedon: Part 2 of A Tanabata Story...
Jack and Miko shock the entire school and, perhaps, shock themselves most of all.
Only two more chapters left where the pieces only start to fall.
I hope you've been enjoying this re-write and expansion of the original story. I'd really love it--assuming any of my female readers are still left--if you could share your thoughts on this revelation of Miko's side of the story.
I felt Miko got shortchanged in the first draft, so I added an entire novella just to ensure her story was heard. There have been a number of changes here and there and I'm hoping I haven't gone too far with any of it. But mostly--not having ever been a teenage girl--I'm concerned that her story feels real. I know she's a special case, but hopefully, she's consistent, relatable, and understandable.
As always, thank you for your support!